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The day we were on The Hotel Inspector – sort of…

I’ve always enjoyed watching programmes like The Hotel Inspector, even though I’m not in that industry.  We did at one stage consider opening a B & B and I guess it’s still one of those ideas that lurks in the background, trying to distract you from everything else you are doing.

Anyway, to ‘scratch that itch’ we watch the fabulous Alex share her years of experience and advice with struggling hoteliers.  Some of the changes seem like no brainers as a viewer, but others are inspiring and encourage me to push myself beyond my boundaries.  With the new series starting in Redcar, a place I know very well from my childhood, we sat down to watch with interest.

Claire, a lovely novice to the world of hotels, was struggling to finish the renovations on a former bank that she was converting into a vibrant bar and six bedroom hotel.  As with most projects, the money had run out and her focus had been on less important work rather than getting the rooms finished.  Aren’t we all distracted by shiny things?

Anyway, part way through (in some of the B roll shots) I spotted something familiar.  She had, on a rather ornate stand, one of our ‘Love and a dog’ blocks behind the bar.  Is it wrong that I felt a little star struck?  Later on it was shown again.  I created a little montage this morning which is on our socials, I just couldn’t let this small bit of ‘fame’ go unrecorded.

Ok, I’ll get back down to earth now.  We can’t even be certain she bought it from us, however it’s highly likely she (or someone in her family) visited Gisborough Hall last year and snapped it up.

If you’re not a dog person, we have a cat version too.

Cari xx